The Pickle Jar

The Pickle (Joel):

I am the self-appointed leader of the Jar though I seldom have control. I enjoy solving problems by day and being a dad by night, occasionally catching a sports game even if it means simultaneously serving as a jungle gym for the boys.

The Mrs. (Josie):

This lady is the most amazing person I’ve ever met and my beautiful wife. She hasn’t always been a pickle but she took the name with pride. She is the President, CEO, & CFO of the Jar.

El Nolanator (Nolan):

Our eldest child, his imagination is endless. He turns almost any object into a Triceratops, or a Dinotrux character, and loves to sing songs while on long car rides. Or short ones. He likes to sing.

Monkey (Trevor)

He’s the orniest and cutest kid I’ve ever seen. All at the same time. It is an incredible feat. His energy and ability to climb everything has earned him the nickname Monkey. He also has inherited the Dill ears which protrude noticeably and at this age adorably from his head. As my dad always told me, “you’ll grow into those things.”… He also goes by Tad.

Babes (Elise)

Our surprise baby, she is a proper princess and has captured the hearts of the entire jar. But she is still a newborn….lets withhold judgement for a few months.


Our extremely lazy, incredibly shy, does-what-he-wants-when-he-wants dog. He is either sleeping on a blanket on the couch or is scrounging for foods while we cook. Nothing more, nothing less. Now that we have defiled his kingdom by bringing another dog into the mix he has taken on a new title — Fun Hater. If Baloo is doing anything fun, Moegley stops that immediately.


The completion to our Jungle Book fam — he was adopted from our local shelter in 2014 and it feels like he has always been a part of our family. He enjoys tearing the stuffing out of anything that has stuffing inside of it, and running around the house like he’s lost his freaking mind. He also is a fan of tormenting Moe.

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